The 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi works in RaspEX Build 160426, based on Ubuntu 16.04, with Kodi Media Center 16.0

raspex-kodi-touchscren-20160627-1-smallGreat news 160627 about RaspEX Build 160426
I got the official  7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi today. I started immediately to test the touchscreen running RaspEX. To my great pleasure (and surprise) the touchscreen worked perfectly out of the box! I.e. I didn’t have to install any extra packages to make it work. According to only Raspbian OS is supposed to give full functionality without a physical keyboard or mouse.

ScreenshotRaspEX running a video in Kodi Media Center

Adding a virtual keyboard – Matchbox
Install it with sudo apt-get install matchbox-keyboard
when Matchbox Keyboard is running

How do I enable right click?
Paste in the following lines in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

Section “InputClass”
Identifier “calibration”
Driver “evdev”
MatchProduct “FT5406 memory based driver”

Option “EmulateThirdButton” “1”
Option “EmulateThirdButtonTimeout” “750”
Option “EmulateThirdButtonMoveThreshold” “30”

Rotate the touch screen
Depending on your display stand you might find that the LCD display defaults to being upside-down, you can fix this by rotating it in /boot/config.txt.
Add: lcd_rotate=2

Scrolling with a finger in Firefox and/or Chromium Browser
Can’t be fixed. It is also not working in Raspbian.


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3 Responses to The 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi works in RaspEX Build 160426, based on Ubuntu 16.04, with Kodi Media Center 16.0

  1. Bent Bostad says:

    I purchased raspex only for running it on my rpi3 with the 7″ touch screen, when i boot, i get the “rainbow” cube and then the screen goes white, and over to nothing but noise on the screen. With external monitor it works fine, but nothing on the touch screen. How to fix?

    • exton says:

      I guess you mean RaspAnd. RaspEX works fine with the touchscreen.

      I don’t think you can use the touchscreen running RaspAnd. (And I never said that you could).

    • McWest says:

      That happens when you got only power connected to the screen and no signal to output, the Rainbow image is from the Screens startup-splash kinda so it means the screen working but get no signal from any source.

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