RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 Build 160915 for Raspberry Pi 3/2 – faster and more responsive than ever!

win32diskimager-raspand-logoNEWS 160917 about RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 and Win32 Disk Imager
It is now possible to install RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915 to a Micro SD card (preferable a class 10 card) in Windows 10. I have finally (after many months) “discovered” how to make an image file of all four (4) partitions needed to run RaspAnd. I.e. system, boot, cache and data. Just download the ZIP-file raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-install-win32diskimager-622mb-160915.zip and unzip it with 7-Zip. Then download Win32 Disk Imager (for free) and install the IMG-file raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-7400mb-160915.img to a SD card of at least 8GB. It will look like this. You can alternatively (of course) use the dd-command in a Linux system. Unzip the downloaded file raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-install-win32diskimager-622mb-160915.zip. Then open a terminal and run the command dd if=raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-7400mb-160915.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M
(Change X to b, d or…)

What’s the point with Win32 Disk Imager?
Well, until now you had to have some basic knowledge about Linux to be able to install RaspAnd. Now you don’t need any special knowledge at all! (Just some basic computer knowledge).

RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915 is an Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow system which can run on Raspberry Pi 3 and Pi 2. Google Play Store and other GAPPS are included. This version of RaspAnd is faster and more responsive than RaspAnd Marshmallow 601 Build 160717 and (of course) RaspAnd Lollipop Build 150924/160315. Many other apps than GAPPS are pre-installed in Build 160915. I can mention Clash of Clans, Spotify, ES File Explorer, Rotation Control Pro,  Terminal Emulator, Aida64, WinZip and Vlc.

MORE ABOUT RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915
This new version has about the same pre-installed apps and features as in RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160717, but it looks better, runs faster and is more responsive. Watch the slideshow below. You can run also this build (160915) using a Raspberry Pi 2 computer, but for best performance you really should use a Raspberry Pi 3. Be sure also to use a class 10 Micro SD Card.

About Aptoide App Manager and Google Play Store
I have removed Aptoide in this build (160915). I could not get Aptoide to work properly in this RaspAnd build. Google Play Store works very well though. I.e.: A lot of apps can be found and installed. Note: After installing RaspAnd to your SD card you can install Aptoide yourself. After all it’s a very useful app. See below how to do it.

Google Play Services
When you start up RaspAnd Build 160915 for the first time you will get an error message saying that “Google Play Services has stopped”. (As in my previous builds of RaspAnd). This is easily fixed by going to Settings – Apps – Google Play Services. Give Google Play Services ALL permissions. After  that you won’t see any error messages.

Wifi and Bluetooth support
This new version of RaspAnd has support for Wifi and Bluetooth (on Raspberry Pi 3). RaspAnd runs very well on the new Raspberry Pi 3 computer. The system runs also on the “old” Raspberry Pi 2 computer.

What is Raspberry Pi?
The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing, and to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python. It’s capable of doing everything you’d expect a desktop computer to do, from browsing the internet and playing high-definition video, to making spreadsheets, word-processing, and playing games.
Read more about Raspberry Pi…

Raspberry Pi 3 model B made in February 2016. It has a 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARMv8 CPU and 1GB RAM. Read more…

Kernel 4.4.16-exton-v7+ is used in RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915.

My sources
My work/build is the outcome of the Community Open Source Project.

How do I install RaspAnd? (Before 160917 – after that you can use Win32 Disk Imager in Windows)

Almost like any other Raspberry Pi system. The installation has to take place in Linux though. (From hard drive or while running a live Linux system from cd or a USB stick). Follow this instruction. The whole thing has to be done as root and exactly like this.
1. Unpack the downloaded zip-file (raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-614mb-160915.zip). You will get the folder raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-614mb-160915 with the folder boot and the system file system.img
2. Create four partitions of/on your Micro SD Card with Fdisk or GParted.
a) Part 1 for BOOT of 512 MB ; format as fat32 ; flag as boot
b) Part 2 for /system of 1024 MB; any filesystem
c) Part 3 for /cache of 512 MB ; format as ext4
d) Part 4 for /data; size the remain; format as ext4
When you are done with partitioning it shall look like this.
3. Now open up a terminal as root and run this command (make sure which name your SD card was given when you inserted it (/dev/sdb2 or /dev/sdc2 or as in the example here /dev/sdd2):
dd if=system.img of=/dev/sdd2 bs=1M
(Note: When you run the above command you’ll have to stand in the folder raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-614mb-160915)
4. Then just copy every file in raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-614mb-160915/boot (10 files) to /dev/sdd1. If not mounted already you can mount it with mkdir /mnt/sdd1 followed by mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/sdd1

Note: You shall not do anything with /dev/sdd3 and /dev/sdd4. I. e.: Do not create folder /cache or /data. Watch this screenshot of the file structure on all four partitions when the installation is done.

Different boot parameters in boot/config.txt
As you can see there is a file called config.txt in the folder boot. Check out this overview explaining the different parameters in config.txt. Some changes to config.txt could (possibly) help if you have screen problems (which I don’t think you will have when running RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915).

Startup of RaspAnd Marshmallow
The first thing you will see on the screen is the text ANDROID. If you do not see this text you haven’t installed RaspAnd correctly on the SD card. Try again and do EXACTLY as I write above. After several minutes (the first time you startup RaspAnd) you will see a message saying that RaspAnd is optimizing all installed apps. After a while you will see this first screen. Next startup will be faster (but not really fast). Be sure to give Google Play Services all permissions as I mention above.

Navigation in RaspAnd Marshmallow
Normally you use the Esc key to get back or end an app running. To end a game in Clash of Clans you’ll have to use the Ctrl Alt F1 or F2 keys simultaneously.

YouTube performance
YouTube works alright in RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915. You can watch almost all videos. I.e. normally you will hear the sound very well, but some the movies won’t play or play very slow with strange colors.

About Google Play Store
Google Play Store come pre-installed in version 6.0.2-leanback. Whatever you do, don’t upgrade to a newer version than version 6.7.13-E-All! It won’t work. You may perhaps have to go back to version 6.0.2-leanback. If Google Play Store gets automatically updated to version 6.8.22 you have to downgrade to version 6.7.13 (or 6.0.2). Go to Settings >> Apps >> Google Play Store and choose to uninstall updates.  You will then be asked if you want to go back to the Factory version. Do that and Google Play Store will work again!

Spotify works very well in RaspAnd Marshmallow. Just log in and play your favorite music!

Screen rotation
Use Rotation Control Pro to set the screen to always be in Landscape mode. Maybe you’ll have to change this to suite your needs depending on which app you are running.

How to install Aptoide App Manager
When you have RaspAnd up and running you can install Aptoide if you want. Please note that you can find and install a lot of apps not found on Google Play Store by using Aptoide. Be sure to install the latest aptoide.apk. Watch this slideshow about how to do it.

Different Micro SD Cards
For best performance you should use SD Cards of good quality. I can recommend Samsung MicroSD Pro Plus 32GB Class 10. Write speed up to 95 MB/s. Also Samsung MicroSD EVO 16GB Class 10. Write speed up to 48 MB/s. Price 47 $ respectively 10 $ (in Sweden).

Not all apps (but quite a few) can be installed via Google Play Store. All included GAPPS are up to date.

Error message “Google Play Services stopped working”
It can happen that you will get error messages about Google Play Services. Don’t worry. Just ignore the messages. Everything will work, but be sure to give Google Play Services all permissions.

About the need to upgrade from RaspAnd Build 160717 to RaspAnd Build 160915
If you have RaspAnd Build 160717 “up and running” and everything works alright there is no real need to upgrade. I mean both versions are based on Marshmallow 6.0.1 and all included apps (GAPPS and others) gets updated all the time. RaspAnd Build 160915 runs slightly faster and looks better than Build 160717. That’s all! Note: RaspAnd Build 160717 has even one advantage over Build 160915. Namely that Aptoide App Manager is installed. Aptoide can be used to install apps not found on Google Play Store.

Screenshot 1 – Google Play Store running
Screenshot 2 – RaspAnd’s new Desktop

NOTE/WARNING – 1 – re. Raspberry Pi 2
Wifi and Bluetooth can’t be used running RaspAnd Marshmallow on Raspberry Pi 2. You’ll have to have and use a wired connection. Using a Raspberry Pi 3 Wifi and Bluetooth work very well in RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915.

Running Android Marshmallow on a Raspberry Pi 3/2 can sometimes be perceived as very sluggish. If you find it so, I recommend that you restart the system a couple of times, then everything will run faster! I.e. not really fast, but faster.

You cannot use Raspberry Pi’s official 7 ” touchscreen monitor. RaspEX can use the touchscreen, but not RaspAnd. It’s a kernel matter.

Compatibility :: June 2017
Unfortunately not all systems made for Raspberry Pi 2 will run on the new Pi 3. They need to be upgraded with a new kernel. I therefore have to upgrade the systems I distribute. I.e. RaspEX, RaspEX with OpenCPN, RaspAnd Lollipop, RaspAnd Marshmallow, RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.1, RaspAnd 7.1.2 and RaspArch. I have now (170616) upgraded all systems. Read about the new Raspberry Pi 3

DOWNLOAD raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-install-win32diskimager-622mb-160915.zip for 9 $


NOTE: If you buy this version of RaspAnd (Build 160915) you will also get RaspAnd Build 170521 (with Kodi 17.1, Aptoide and Aptoide TV pre-installed).

Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
Raspberry Pi is a trademark of Raspberry Pi Foundation

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122 Responses to RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 Build 160915 for Raspberry Pi 3/2 – faster and more responsive than ever!

  1. Nikola says:

    I did exactly the same as instructions and Pi 3 won’t boot. Both red light are powered on.

    • exton says:

      You must have done something wrong. Difficult for me to say what you have done/not done. Please read all comments from people who have had install problems.

      I can also tell you that I’m about to release a new version of RaspAnd Marshmallow, which will be much easier to install. No Linux knowledge is needed. It can hopefully also be installed in Windows.

  2. Ewout de Bruijn says:

    Is this build working with a 7″ touchscreen connecting with the rasp 3?

  3. Dan says:

    I see the boot screen saying Android, but it doesn’t get beyond that.

  4. Pingback: Android Marshmallow 6.0.1 sul Pi3 grazie a RaspAnd - Lffl.org

  5. Pingback: Android Marshmallow 6.0.1 sul Pi3 grazie a RaspAnd | Aggregatore GNU/Linux e dintorni

  6. Paul says:

    I have prepared my sd 32gb 10 card as per you instructions on a Windows 10 pc connected to my LCD HD tv.
    .img file is on the sd

    I am only getting a multi colour background then it clears and I get a message
    unable to detect a signal
    720p ? any advice would be appreciated

  7. Pingback: RaspAnd: Android 6 su Raspberry Pi 3 | Edit - Il Blog di HTML.it

  8. Jony Marcos says:

    Can I install the Netflix app (apk) myself after installing raspand in my SDcard?
    It is possible to install a Netflix’s apk by sources Unknown?
    Netflix will run through this method of installing external sources?

  9. Jon says:

    I don’t mind the $9 price tag, and I’m glad to support work like this, but if I buy this build, do I get future releases free? Can’t pay for this one if I’d just have to buy the next in a few weeks/months

  10. Nathaniel says:

    Just purchased RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 Build 160915, followed the instructions using Win32 Disk Imager on my Windows 10 to install the decompressed image to my brand new Samsung class 10 micro SD card. Once Win32 Disk Imager informed me that the Micro SD card was finished flashing, I safely removed the Micro SD card from my Windows machine and placed it into my brand new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.
    Once powered, the Android splash screen appeared for a couple of minutes, then the RPi rebooted. From there, the RPi has continuously rebooted. I allowed it to continue to do so for several hours, hoping that this may be part of the process, but as there is no indication of this being normal in your walkthrough, I eventually gave up.
    I did flash another class 10 Micro SD card that was known to work and tried it in my older Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, that also is known to work with other OSs. However, I experienced the same issues.

    I am very hopeful to use a stable version of Android on a Raspbery Pi. Please help.

    • exton says:

      Ok, then something must be wrong with you downloaded file (checked it with md5sum?) or something has gone wrong during the installation. I don’t think there are any more “error sources” from what you’ve told me. Try again. I’ve sent you a new download link.

      Come to think of it. How did you unzip? Use 7-zip (if you haven’t done so already).

  11. Nathaniel says:

    I’ve tried again 3 more times. I’ve downloaded again from the new link you provided. The md5sum validated. I extracted the file using 7-zip. I flashed the micro SD card with the newly extracted .img file using Win32 Disk Imager on my Windows 10 machine again. Then, after safely ejecting the micro SD card, I inserted it into my Raspberry Pi 3 and powered it on.
    Upon first boot, I get the Android splash screen again, but after that, continuous reboots. Occasionally, I will see Android prepping several apps for first use, however, once the total number of apps have been prepared, the RPi3 goes back into the continuous reboot cycle again.
    I noticed while rooting around this site and http://www.exton.se/ that you mentioned a newer version, android_x86_64-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-736mb-160922.iso, that is not available on this site for purchase. Would you be willing to allow me to try that version instead, if it is stable?

    • exton says:

      Very strange. Then something must be wrong with your Rpi3, since everybody else can run RaspAnd.

      android_x86_64-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-736mb-160922.iso is for “ordinary” computers (not Rpi 3/2). I have sent it to you anyway.

      • Nathaniel says:

        I’ve tried RaspAnd on both of my Raspberry Pi 3’s using different 16GB and 32GB class 10 Micro SD cards. These SD cards and both RPi3’s have successfully run Noobs, Open ELEC, Jessie and even an unstable version of Android 7.0 (found here: https://git.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/rtandroid/). I’m unsure why RaspAnd would not work with either of my RPi3’s if it is working on other people’s RPi3’s.
        One thing I did notice after having flashed the image to the Micro SD cards a few times, I accidentally double clicked the .img file and a “Couldn’t Mount File” dialog box came up saying “The disc image file is corrupted.” with only an “OK” button to click. I assumed that as the image is likely a Linux format, and as such Windows 10 would not be able to read it. Or am I mistaken and the .img file should be readable in Windows 10?
        Or rather, to simplify the question, are you able to open .img file in your Windows 10 environment or do you get a similar error message?

        • exton says:

          The image file is not readable in Windows since it contains three ext4 partitions. I.e. files with with ext4 filesystems can’t be opened in Windows. Thus the error message.

          Have you tried to use the dd-command in Linux? It is: dd if=raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-7400mb-160915.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M
          (Change X to b, d or…)

          • Nathaniel says:

            I figured it was something to that effect with the .img file. Thank you for confirming that for me.

            As for the DD commands, while I have been learning the Linux environment over the last several months, I still consider myself a novice. I’m reading through the documentation on the wiki that you linked to in order to better understand.
            Though, I have another question: am I able to try installing this version in the same way you describe for the older versions, using Linux CLI to manually create each partition individually?

          • exton says:

            No, you can’t. You’ll need RaspAnd Build 160717 for that. I’ve sent it to you.

  12. Paul Fisher says:

    I purchased and downloaded RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 Build 160915 onto my desktop running Ubuntu 16.04 OS. I then unzipped the .img file using Ubuntu’s generic extractor (right click on zip file and select extract from menu). I downloaded the Etcher application, Linux version (free at https://www.etcher.io/) and used Etcher to flash the image to my 32gb micro SD card. My Raspberry Pi 3 booted successfully on the first try. Everything seems to work, though somewhat sluggish at time. On first boot-up “ANDROID” appeared on the screen. About 4 or 5 minutes later the program came up and ran successfully. Second boot-up was faster.

  13. Schoopy says:

    i purchased RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 Build 160717 and could not get it to work on the 7″ LCD display. At that time none of the drivers were packaged inside the linux kernel. It it different now?
    If not, any chance you will provide that (soon)?
    I never build some Android OS, I built quite many other OS from scratch though.
    Is this just a matter of adding some features within the kernel or it ain’t that simple?


  14. dave says:

    Is anyone else having the problems with rebooting?

  15. Bogdan says:

    i have just installed RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 Build 160915 using Win32 Disk Imager. At first boot the ANDROID logo appears briefly then dissapear and nothing is happening. I left it more than half hour thinking that maybe my sdcard is to slow(it is a class 10 32gb samsung evo plus so i dont think it is the case). I am missing something?

    • exton says:

      No, I don’t think you are, but for some reason the installation wasn’t successful. Try to format the card before you use Win32 Disk Imager and/or perhaps create a new partition table.

      If that doesn’t work you can always run the command dd if=raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-7400mb-160915.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M
      (Change X to b, d or…)

      The command must work!

      If you can’t start RaspAnd even though you have used the above command you should try to use another monitor.

      • Bogdan says:

        Ok, thanx for the quick response, as soon as i will have some more free time on my hands I’ll start from the beginning. It is possible in the future to support HDMI-CEC? From what i know android versions bigger than 5.0 has the necessary base for this.

  16. Jeff Stoner says:

    To the OP, I would love and be more than happy to purchase your version of Android OS for RPi3 if I knew one particular app worked. The only reason I purchased the RPi3 was for Google Play Movies and the Sony Vue App. Could you please test both these apps and features for me? If it works, than I will buy.

    Thank you

  17. Hocine says:

    I try all kinde of android tv remote controler Apps and i get no thing
    Why ?

  18. james says:

    Does Kodi install and run on this and does it work fully like playing streams etc?

  19. j.r.l. says:

    I’ve installed on an SD card the new version all ok but when i start it on Sony KDL40 tv the TV shows a messagge that says unable to recognize the format.

  20. KD says:

    No picture / unsupported format on the Sony TV’s i’ve tested (only audio on KDL42). Settings in config.txt seem to have no effect on Android (only on ‘bios’ part prior to it). I’ve seen 3 other posts about this around the board.

    Our NEC monitor reports 1280×720 45.0kHz 60.4Hz. Isn’t 60.4Hz an odd number?

    This is a major issue for us (Speak/TDM Signage).

  21. Peter Prins says:


    I just installed the 160915 version, because in the 160315 my Clash of Clans stopped working after the update last week, I could not get it updated because the whole screen corrupted, Aptoid gave only “Server Errors”.
    At the 160915 things look beter, but when updating Clash of Clans it gives a “Not available for this device”.
    How to get it back running again??

  22. Alex One says:

    Hi Exton!
    You can add HDMI menu like this? http://nanopc.org/dev/463.html For select HDMI output mode.

  23. Dominique says:

    Installed Build 160915 right now for Pi3.
    Unfortunatly the settings for my hdmi monitor (800 x 480) in the config.txt are ignored.

    Changing hdmi_group and/or hdmi_mode makes no difference.
    Changing framebuffer_width or framebuffer_height makes no difference.

    Where do you read the resolution you use?

  24. David says:

    Installed Build 160915 on a Pi3

    Everything is working fine except for all the apps popup.
    I got a weird image instead where I see the popup in Italic with black line crossing it and a really bad resolution.

    I can’t log on google drive for example.

    Is there something that I have missed?

    Thank you for your time.

    • exton says:

      Which apps popup?

      Not all apps can run in RaspAnd. Google Drive could be one of them. I haven’t tested it myself. Somebody else?

      • David says:

        Thanks for answering so quickly.

        For example in Es file explorer, when I’m trying to connect to a Gdrive cloud, the connexion form is totally bugged and it’s almost impossible to see what is written on it.

        • exton says:

          That’s bad. I don’t think something can be done about it right now. Let’s hope the next version of RaspAnd Marshmallow (or possibly the upcoming RaspAnd Nougat) is better in this respect.

  25. Jimy says:

    Hi, just cant get this build 160915 to work on my pi 2. I’ve tried with two different class 10 sd cards, using the win32 method, on 3 tv’s, connected via hdmi cable, and all have the same issue. When I plug in the power it flashes the multi color screen but then all black, no signal or android splash screen.

    • exton says:

      Sounds like your installation was unsuccessful. Are you sure that you have the system on the card/cards?

      • Jimy says:

        after checking with partition magic i get the following partitions on the sd card:
        boot fat32 512 Mb;
        system ext3 1024 Mb;
        cache ext4 512Mb;
        data ext 4 5.4 gb

        • exton says:

          That’s alright, but you should take a look at what you have on the boot and system partitions. You can do that by inserting the SD-card while running a Linux system.

          Installing using Win32 Disk Imager should (normally) be very simple. No real room for mistakes.

          Maybe your download failed to complete? I have sent you a new download link.

  26. Minirp says:

    Hi we bought the version 6.0.1 all is fine but the video is too slow, we cant see any vides or surf the menus normally it is too smooth. We have a rpi 2. How can i fix the video pronlem? I need to install a driver or somwthing like that? Thanks.

    • exton says:

      I’m sorry but you can’t do anything about it. As I said on the info site some videos can’t run or will barely run. You must bare in mind that the Rpi 2/3 computer isn’t the best/fastest computer around…

      As you said there is also a question about necessary drivers. Those video/graphics drivers will be implanted by the Raspberry Pi Android project in due time.

  27. Annalisa Agresta says:

    Dear Exton,
    I am experimenting blocking problems trying to pair a BT device with my RaspAnd on a Pi3. Everything work fine for devices not needing a 4 digit code to pair but I can’t pair at all with devices asking for a pin code. The system ask me to type the pin code in a black screen but after typing and hitting CR nothing happen. If I press ESC, the system ask me again to type the pin but after hitting CR it goes back on the device searching screen. The device appear not connected. Could You help me to solve the issue? The version is 6.01 build 160717.

  28. Arthur dasilva says:

    Hi I bought the build 160915 but I got sent build 160717?? Also I am trying for the life of me to install the build but I am having trouble… I have windows 10 and I try the /dev/sdb but it says access denied and I also tried win 32 disk but when I install the SD card into the pi 3 nothing happens…. what am I doing wrong? Oh I used gparted and the terminal but it’s still a no go…. 🙁

  29. Arthur dasilva says:

    Thanks for the file… so I got it to work but Google play keeps saying not responding and it has stop, also its kinda slow… do I need a better SD card? Or do I have to do anything to make it faster?

  30. Edwin says:

    Got it to work now with an new image, but indeed, playstore keeps stopping.
    i can get different apk’s to work now, raspberri 2 i cannot get it at work at all….
    but the 3 is more important to me 😉

    my screen of the rasp-3 isnt 100 procent, buttons are below the bezels…..
    my screen setting is:
    hdmi_cvt 1024 600 60 6 0 0 0


  31. Steven says:

    Would PS4 Remote Play apk from http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/ps4-remote-play-android-thread-t3068225 be supported?
    This would provide a very nice way of having a remote 1080p enabled low power PS4 client.

  32. Ramon says:

    i would buy if netflix+yomvi were working

  33. Fabio Valerio Greco says:

    Hi All,
    I need to install an android distribution on my Rasberry PI 3 in order to put in it an android version of Lync from Google Play Store . Do you know if it works on your Marshmellow distribution?
    Thanks in advance

  34. arthur says:

    do you know how I can add this to berryboot? I don’t know how to convert the .img file to squashfs file….

  35. Khris says:

    Thinking of purchasing in order to run Google Maps on a RPi3 in the car with phone acting as a WIFI hotspot, can you advise if you think Google maps will run ok on this build?
    Also, what is roughly the start up time after the first install?

    • exton says:

      I haven’t tried to install Google Maps myself, but I see no reason why it shouldn’t be possible. If you can use your mobile as WIFI hotspot I don’t know.

      Startup time: About 3 min.

  36. Eric says:

    Purchased and downloaded raspand20160915.154901. My overall experience was below par for installation on raspberry Pi 2 model b. It’s seems that YouTube videos are very sluggish, almost no working video. Audio does come through clean and clear. Fixed Google Play store with permissions but after Google Play updates it no longer runs and prompts that it is not compatible with this device.

    Was it worth the download cost? Yes as it supports future development.

    Look forward to a revision for at least YouTube to work on the rpi2. Maybe the rpi2 is not fast enough. Maybe rpi3 would be better suited.

    Cheers and all the best on future builds.

    • exton says:

      It’s true that everything works better with Rpi3.

      Google Play: You can go back to use the “old” version if you try to uninstall Google Play Store using Aptoide. Aptoide will ask you if you want to go back to the “factory version”. (You can’t do that in Google Play Store).

  37. Sehat Chow says:

    I have bought RaspAnd 6.0.1 for Raspberry Pi 3 and Pi 2 Build 160717 with GAPPS, Wifi, Bluetooth and YouTube working.
    Could you send me installer/Link download and guide to install on windows using Win32 Disk Imager?

  38. Helen says:

    I cannot see any output on my TV (HDMI capable Sony Bravia) – is there a way to putty in for e.g. and see if I can play with the hdmi output to see if I can find something that works?

  39. Janek says:

    Hi, is it possible to use the Android TV Remote app?
    The app doesn’t find the Raspberry via WLAN or Bluetooth.

  40. Christophe says:


    It works very well at the firts time.
    Great. Time to change the config.txt to match my Full hD TV.

    Just a question : is it possible to have the “normal” Android desktop we could find on smartphones and tablets ?
    Difficult to do ?

    thank you.

  41. Andrea says:

    Hi, when will be available the android version that can be used on the 7″ LCD official rpi display?

    Thanks and congratulations for this good work.

  42. Th3vengeur says:

    I bought Raspand build 160717.
    I saw that you said that next build will be available for free. What’s the process to get build 160915 or earlier ?

  43. Th3vengeur says:

    Any Idea on how tout have jack audio working ? ’cause Spotify currently works on hdmi

  44. Eduardo says:

    Hi, I downloaded your last version: raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-install-win32diskimager-622mb-160915
    Instated and working with ought any problem. Get into google play store but can’t find almoust any app. I am looking for this program: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ineptech.magicmirror
    Please can you informs me how works and how gets it? Thanks

  45. Sumant says:

    Can I connect a CSI camera to RPi3 and use camera apps (to record video and take images) on it on RaspAnd? I have tried it on other versions of Android and it does not work.

  46. Figaro says:

    Hi, I bought 160915. Installed with no problems, GUI seems OK. WiFi does not work though. System is a Pi 3. What can be the cause?. Thanks for your help.

  47. Figaro says:

    Working from hotel. Computer and phone see the SSID, not the ‘berry. MNifght it be the WiFi chip in the berry is somewhat damaged? Thanks for your help.

  48. Atmo says:

    I’m can not back use Esc on my Raspberry Pi 3, I use keyboard air mouse keyboard wireless

  49. Paul says:

    excuse my ignorance, I am new to anything other than windows !

    when you speak of “terminal” you mean terminal on the rasp?
    and how to find terminal to enter command, if the os is not yet installed ?

  50. Liviu says:

    Hi. I want to install Microsoft PowerPoint from Google Play but I can’t find it. There is other way to install it? The same question for Adobe Reader

  51. Alvaro Denis says:

    I was installed and run RaspAnd successful after purchase and download it, I am new with Raspberry and new with Android too but I need do a little hack, I am asking for some advice:
    1- Is possible debug the system, same as a phone with adb, for example “adb logcat”? how?
    2- As the post say in warning 1(“Wifi and Bluetooth can’t be used running RaspAnd Marshmallow on Raspberry Pi 2”) I can not use wifi with raspberry pi 2 but I need do it, I am using this Realtek dongle:
    On my laptop with Debian this work loading the firmware “rtl8192cufw_TMSC.bin”, so how I can add or install this module to linux in RaspAnd?

  52. Alvaro Denis says:

    Hello again,
    I have other issue, check the link, thanks in advance for any help.

  53. Lawrence Law says:

    How can I change the default launcher on this build? Say I want it boot up with mLauncher so I can have all icons of installed app on the screen.

  54. kalmen says:

    Hi , i think i have purchased the older Build 160717 yesterday and want to check whether i can get the latest build 160915 ?

    Google Play keep crashing , monitor (Acer) on the left , wording can’t be seen ,
    cannot install and may i check how would like install the LAN/Ethernet
    connection instead of Wifi ?

    • exton says:

      Yes. I’ve sent it to you.

      • kalmen says:

        Thanks , received it. By the way , i tried to connect using ADB , it cannot be connected and also try to use the browser to download aptoide.apk, no success .

        is this build has can still use ADB to connect and install APK ?
        and i am trying to connect using Wifi , also it won’t connect even if give the correct password . it works with Ethernet LAN connection. is it an issue or something i missed ?


        • exton says:

          You can’t use ADB. I can’t say anything about your Wifi problems. Normally it should just work. Btw: I have sent a download link for Build 170521 to you.

  55. Mauri says:

    All boots OK on my TV 40″ monitor – get the standard desktop and can enter apps and/or settings but cannot get back to the previous screen or to the home screen. Help! just using a mouse what am I doing wrong?

    • exton says:

      Navigation in RaspAnd Nougat
      Normally you use the Esc key to get back or end an app running. To end some apps you may have to use the Ctrl Alt F1 or F2 keys simultaneously.

  56. Caleb says:

    I’m trying to use a WiFi dongle on raspberry pi 2 using the latest for the win32image

  57. Ralph says:

    Hello I Just purchased raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1 and starting and during the program running it looks double. Any thoughts?

  58. Mikeyb2k says:

    The settings say thisis rooted. But I can’t get root access through the terminal and it doesn’t run apps that need root permissions. Super super doesn’t work also. Any advice on this?

  59. Pingback: Raspberry PiでAbemaTVを起動 - TECHBIRD | TECHBIRD - Effective Tips & References for Programming

  60. dj says:


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